Friday, 14 February 2014

Thankful Thursday #14

Ooh lah lah. It's my fourteenth thankful Thursday and it's the fourteenth of February tomorrow which means VALENTINE'S DAY.

This week I am thankful for:
- My family contributing so much in my fundraising for Chennai Challenge 2014
- Finally sorting out my work experience
- Going to see Frozen at the Birmingham REP with Olivia last Friday and ending up at some after party at the theatre
- My new tartan jeans
- A new hat (which I literally can't take off)
- LUSH Body Wash
- Mock performance of The Golden Goose at the Lichfield Garrick going splendidly 
- Free lessons which are spent doing nothing (it's bad, I know)
- Spending the night in with Lewis tomorrow
- The wonderful drawing Nola created of me

Things are stiiiiiiill going brilliantly and I could not be happier. I've had another busy week. Perhaps I'll buy some Lady GaGa tickets tomorrow.
Ah, life. 

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