Thursday, 13 June 2013

Disney's Brave Princess Merida Airbrush

Good morning!
I woke up bright and early today and now I'm going to start my morning off with a post. I'm not sure how lengthy this will turn out to be, but whatever.

There's no doubt you've seen or heard of Disney's recent film Brave.
I went to see it at the cinema with my boyfriend last year and it is absolutely BRILLIANT (10/10). Merida is a perfect new Disney princess, being completely original from all the other Disney princesses.
This obviously left a big impact, which caused uproar when this was released:

Yep yep yep, Merida has been airbrushed. 
Many people looked towards Merida as a realistic role model for young children; being independent and not needing to marry, being opposite to many of the other Disney princesses.
The way she has been edited seemed completely ridiculous as Merida in the original film has many "flaws/imperfections" that real people have. Now she has been changed to fit the Disney princess stereotype, complete with an extremely slim waist, a "grand" dress and is just generally different to the original Merida. 

We just so happened to study a internet article on this subject in English, which seemed coincidental as I was planning on writing about this topic anyway. The article we studied can be read here.

People seem to be rather angry about all of this, which does seem to make sense if you have children looking up to princesses who seem unrealistic, and then a character is brought along who is believable and then is changed to be a usual princess. Personally, I don't think there was any need for her to be changed but I don't think everyone should be so appalled with it as something like this was most likely going to happen so Merida could fit in with all the other princesses on logos and such (as shown below).

Sign the petition here to help Merida be changed back to normal!

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