Saturday, 4 May 2013

May Update ♥

Good evening!
I've been SO busy lately. Seriously, I've been absolutely non-stop with all my school work as it's almost exam season. Booo :c Even so, things are going pretty well at the moment. I got some exam results not long ago which were pretty good, and I'm on track for all my target grades so HEY. 
Enough of the boring stuff.
I got the role I auditioned for in The Tempest! I'm so so excited to start the rehearsals; the only downside is all the rehearsals are the same weeks as my exams so I'm going to have to prepare super hard! I met all the cast the other week and they were all lovely so I'm really looking forward to working with them!
It was my birthday a few weeks ago and I got some cool things including the peach dress I was after and Norwegian Wood by Murakami! I don't really have much time to write posts about them now and I haven't had the time to actually read the book, but I will get round to doing so at some point.
Season 2 of Oreimo is currently airing at the moment and it's SO EXCITING. I've really missed this anime as it's one of my favourites and I've genuinely missed the characters (I'm not sad, okay?) I've also started to try and dedicate my anime time fully to Fairy Tail, but I can't help but watch lots of different anime's at the same time! 

To watch Season 2 of Oreimo, click the photo above! ^ 

I also went to see Ludovico Einaudi for my birthday a few weeks ago. It was absolutely beautiful, and we were seated 6 rows from the front which was even more amazing. I've never been to a concert and it been absolutely silent, nobody said a word the whole performance. It was better than just any other gig aswell, you could tell all the musicians were clearly enjoying themselves and doing something that they loved with a passion. Einaudi was brilliant aswell, he was almost conducting the other musicians and playing the piano at the same time! I've never seen so much talent all at once in my whole life.
I purchased his new album, "In a Time Lapse" the day after because I had to hear the songs all over again, and it's so so beautiful. I should have bought it the day it came out, but hey. I also received the piano book for my birthday so it'll be great being able to concentrate on learning the pieces after all my exams are over!

I quickly took this before making my way to the concert! It was nice to dress up all glam. GLAM GLAM GLAM.

That's all I really have time to write about now, as I have a lot of Art to do and I've got another audition tomorrow to prepare for! 

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