Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Hotel Dusk, American Horror Story Season 2 & Oz: The Great and Powerful.

Hihihi. (◡‿◡✿)
I've recently finished a few things, so I thought I'd write about them. It's the Easter holiday's at the moment but I'm spending most of it in school doing artwork as I have my exam next week. It's not too fun, I'm looking forward to it all being over! ◡︿◡

Hotel Dusk

Joe lent me this game a while ago, but I got stuck on it for ages so I didn't play it for months and months. I had to spend a few days off school because I was quite ill, and I decided to take up the game again. I chose to start a new game as I'd completely forgotten the storyline, and it was mandatory to know the storyline to help play the game as it can be quite troublesome when not knowing. It figured to be quite time consuming for myself, but after finishing it I felt like a great achievement and made me feel good. I hate leaving games uncompleted, unless they're very bad.
The storyline of the game (in a nutshell) wasn't too clear. It's about ex-policeman called Kyle Hyde (the protagonist) who was now a door-to-door salesman, going to a hotel for reasons which aren't really made so clear. He says that he's a salesman to everyone, but really he's looking for his missing friend called Bradley. That's all I'm going to really say about it, everything explains itself during the game.

I felt that the way the game was set out was quite odd, but after adapting to it gradually it became quite easy to work. The only thing I didn't enjoy about the game too much was having to investigate every single little thing in a room, which took an extremely long time occasionally. 

I really loved the style of the characters and how they were shown. The characters were all black and white, with the surroundings being in colour. I really loved the art of all the characters, being quite sketchy but still looking impressive.

When not looking for clues and such, the majority of the game is all talk. If you're a fan of adventure type games with fighting and stuff, then this probably isn't the game for you. Some of the conversations between the characters could be quite tedious, and took a lot of attention at times. I really like this style of game, but I can't help but get a little bored at times.
I also liked all the characters and how each chapter was dedicated to finding information out about each of the characters; I dislike it when too many things are left unanswered.

Overall, I'd give the game about 7/10. It was enjoyable, but abit too time consuming at times. As you can end up with "Game Over" quite regularly at any time, it became slightly difficult. Apart from that, everything else about the game was quite brilliant. It took a while, but I'm really glad I completed it.

American Horror Story: "Asylum" - Season 2.

A few minutes ago I finished watching Season 2 of American Horror Story. My friend Olivia recommended the show to be at the end of 2012, and after watching the first season I was left incredibly impressed. I'd really enjoyed the storyline, and I loved the casting.
Season 2 turned out to be quite different to season 1, being set in a mental asylum instead of the old house in season 1. I was really glad that Evan Peters and Jessica Lange were still in the cast, as I really liked both of them in season 1. I thought it was quite interesting how they kept the same cast but gave them different characters in a different story; it was nice to see how the actors/actresses could take on such contrasting roles and how some of the minor characters in season 1 were the major characters in season 2. I was a little disappointed that Taissa Farmiga wasn't in the second season, as I enjoyed watching her in the first season.
One of the new actresses in season 2 that really impressed me was Lizzie Brochere. There was no way I would've been able to have guessed that she was French; her acting was absolutely flawless.

Not to mention that she's completely flawless herself.

I was a little unsure about the storyline at times during season 2, as some times they seemed to be taking things just a little too far. I know it's just a show, but at times it just seemed a little too extreme and unrealistic. I'd give it about 6/10, as I don't think it lived up to the first season as much.

Oz: The Great and Powerful

To conclude, I recently saw the new Oz film. I'm only going to keep this short, as I don't really have a lot to say about it. I'm a big fan of The Wizard of Oz and Wicked, so I was really looking forward to seeing this film.
At first it seemed quite good, I liked how they'd stuck to the effect of keeping the beginning in black and white, and when he entered Oz it became colourful. The film started off quite good, but then after a while I completely lost interest. It just seemed so...slow.
I really didn't enjoy it, and when the film finished I was left feeling quite disappointed. Sob.

Well that's the end of that. I hope everyone's had a lovely easter.

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