Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Hello, World

I thought I'd make the most of our wifi actually working again and whip out a new blog post, because I am seriously overdue one. I promised myself that I'd write one at least once a month, but I think we can all see that I haven't been doing that. I guess I'm just extremely forgetful. And lazy. I AM JUST BUSY, OKAY.
So hello, I'm back. I'm now in my final year of sixth form (oh my goodness) and I have a gargantuan amount of work to be doing (which I should be doing now, BUT THE WIFI IS BACK) so I am genuinely very busy most of the time. Soz. 
India was incredible. I never got round to writing about it when I got back to England, so I guess you'll have to hear about it now. It really was a completely life-changing experience and I am more than hoping to go back again next year. There's so many things to be thinking about at the moment though; university, gap-years, working full-time: I just don't quite know what I want to do with my life yet. But fingers crossed that I'll be able to go back next year with Chennai Challenge again.
Life out there was extremely different to life here in England, which is something I loved being able to immerse myself in. The one thing I noticed mainly when I got back into England was out quiet it is here. I remember walking out the airport and just thinking, "...Wow." Because of how silent is seemed. In India, whenever you were awake, you could guarantee you'd hear the horns from the autos or people talking, or just some form of noise. Here, it is SO QUIET. In fact, it took me a little while to get used to it again. Crazy stuff.
All in all, I am so grateful for my time out there in India. I am grateful for being able to meet all the wonderful people we met, I am grateful for all the different foods we tried, I am grateful for everyone helping me with my fundraising, I am grateful towards Chennai Challenge for providing an absolute life-changing experience. I now really do see life with a whole different perspective; it's odd to think how just under three weeks can completely change you as a person. I can't urge people enough to sign up with Chennai Challenge for next year; I really can't emphasise how rewarding and brilliant the time out there is. Hopefully you all kept up with our blogs on the Chennai Challenge website(?!) If not, you can still read them now here! Also, if you'd like to know where all the fundraising money went, you can read about that here. There's some good reading material to get your teeth into.
Since being back in England, I have been doing a lot of thinking (Frances Corbett, thinking? What). As I said before, it's my final year of sixth form and we are being thrown decisions at us all the time. I am only seventeen, I feel like I'm too young to be deciding exactly what I want to do with my life yet. The main goal is going to drama school, but I am swinging towards the idea of British Sign Language and perhaps doing an interpreting course. I passed 102 of my Level One award and I have my final exam coming up at the beginning of November, so please pray for me! I think I'm dealing alright(ish) with the amount of work being given to us constantly, but I am trying to stay positive and keep reminding myself that in a year's time all of this hard-work will be over and will hopefully pay off. Even though this is the case, I don't want to leave school, I've only been at my new school for one year and now we're already so close to leaving next year, I don't feel like I've spent enough time with everyone whatsoever, but I am grateful for meeting so many people that have contributed to my life so much. (Gosh, it's not even Thursday). 
I guess I really should get back to my English essay before heading to the bus stop, so I am concluding this post RIGHT NOW. Thankyou once again to everyone for the last few months, and hopefully I will start blogging again more frequently soon. Even though I always say that, and we all know that doesn't happen. And I say my English essay, but really I am downloading some more music for my iPod. This is just as important as A Levels, right?