Monday, 30 December 2013

New Years Resolutions - 2014

SO it's almost the new year. 2013 has definitely been the most eventful and the quickest year ever.I can't say that everything that's happened during this year has been brilliant, but many wonderful things did happen which I am very grateful for.
A few weeks ago I decided to write out a long list of resolutions for the New Year that are written to myself. I probably should have been spending that time when I was writing them to do some school work, but things like this are important. Perhaps.


1) Think positively. Follow your life goals and definitely believe in yourself.

2) Don't buy so many pointless things. It clutters up your room and you always complain about it.

3) Read at least 10 pages of your current reading book each day. Reading is good for you.

4) Dedicate more time to your religion. It's not just a label.

5) Practise more at what you love most.

6) Please try and revise for your AS Level Exams.

7) Stay busy but don't push yourself too hard. You don't want to get ill and unhappy again.

8) Let people know that they are wonderful and that you appreciate their existence. Feeling lonely is one of the worst possible feelings out there.

9) Try and eat fruit and drink lots of water. It's very good for you and your skin.

10) Go to the gym. I know exercise is grim but being unfit is bad news.

11) Keep up to date with your school work. You panic when teachers shout at you.

12) Try and use up all your nail varnish. Let's face it, 60+ bottles is just too many.

13) Help around the house more and do more favours.

14) Wear what makes you happy.

15) Don't get angry or panic. Life is too short for unhappiness.

15 is a good number of resolutions. I approve.
Happy New Year!

Also, I don't know how I ended up with over 60 nail varnishes. I swear down they just multiply randomly.

Thursday, 26 December 2013

Thankful Thursday #12

This week I am thankful for:
- Fixing my favourite mixtape
- Having the most wonderful family and for having such a brilliant Christmas with them
- Avengers Arena volume 2 being just as sick as the first one
- Atonement being beautiful
- My party last Friday going smoothly (ish)
- The Christmas holidays! Although I have SO much work
- Being surrounded by so many fantastic people
- My beautiful ring from Joseph

The last week has been up and down like crazy; I am in some sort of inbetween state where I'm very happy but I'm also very sad. It's been a shame watching some beautiful things come to an end but I am very grateful for them actually happening in the first place. The main focus now is to be super super happy!
I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas too. 

Thursday, 12 December 2013

Thankful Thursday #11

It's Thursday again. I cannot believe we're breaking up for Christmas next week. I almost don't want to because I'm liking school that much at the moment. 

This week I am thankful for:
- Arriving home from a surprisingly good parents' evening
- Going to see As You Like It (BSA) last Friday with Elizabeth which was BRILLIANT.
- Paisley's birthday party tomorrow
- Going to see Peace tomorrow also with my burntwood mandem (busy Friday night)
- Stewarding for Fantastic Mr. Fox on Tuesday evening then having a catchup with some friends in Wetherspoons
- Spontaneous meal out with Elle last Saturday
- Actually having many of my Christmas presents for friends and family ready and wrapped up
- Buying tickets to see Equus (BSA) this Saturday with Amy
- New Kill la Kill episodes
- Long conversations with actual depth

The last week has been SO busy but I am still feeling unbelievably happy at the moment. I've been here, there and everywhere and everything is going brilliantly. It will be lovely to have a short rest over the Christmas holidays though. 

Thursday, 5 December 2013

Thankful Thursday #10

Ooooooh, I'm finally on my tenth thankful Thursday. How glamorous.
This week I am thankful for:

- Having the opportunity to do my A Levels and get a proper education
- The little candles my Grandma bought me to light each day leading up to Christmas (they have a number on each candle)
- Going to see Birmingham School of Acting perform Shakespeare's As You Like It at the Birmingham Hippodrome tomorrow with Elizabeth
- The first two rehearsals for The Railway Children going swimmingly well
- Reading Atonement (although I should be doing some English Literature wider reading...)
- Going for a quick meal and catchup with my Grandma tonight
- Having so many great people who I can confide in and ask for advice
- Audition opportunities to help me gain experience 
- Being able to wear all my winter clothes again and finding them out from the back of my wardrobe
- Finally using up some of my Lush products (I have thousands which I don't ever use) 

The last week has been very... Interesting. Lots of different things have happened, both good and bad, but I am feeling 100% positive and extremely happy with life at the moment. I've already bought/ordered many Christmas presents for friends and family and I'm overall very excited for Christmas and the Christmas holidays. ORGANISATION IS KEY.