Sunday, 29 September 2013

Twisted Dark: Volume 1

Suspense, humour, horror, psychological. Twisted Dark ticks all these genre boxes.

I find that horror stories usually either take things just the tad too far or don't expand enough. Twisted Dark however, gets the balance completely accurate.
Myself and Joseph came across the TPublications crew at MCM Expo Birmingham in March (click here to read my blog post about it) and we decided to give their first volume a shot. It's safe to say, I wasn't disappointed.
First of all, the script writing and artwork is impeccable. Neil Gibson's story writing is both entertaining and enrapturing, pulling you further into the book after each story. Not only are the stories all completely different, they're all similar in the element of being twisted on all kinds of levels. From mass murderers to innocent-looking individuals plotting their revenge, this first volume definitely lives up to it's title of being both Twisted and Dark. I found myself re-reading many of the stories again, trying to figure out how the characters could behave in such ways. 

The artwork for Twisted Dark is completely out of this world. I'm going to begin my singling out the art of Caspar Wijngaard. Not only is it remarkable, it can make scenes look sinister yet pleasant at the same time. I haven't work like this before, so it instantly impresses me.

From the first page of the book, you are instantly plunged into a world which is familiar yet completely alien. Seeing the way different minds work through a comic format is abundantly engrossing and entertaining; I found it difficult to put this book down at many occasions. 

If you haven't already read Twisted Dark, I highly recommend you do so. 

Follow TPublications:

Thursday, 26 September 2013

Thankful Thursday #6

I've been lucky enough to have a few free lessons today at school which gives me just enough time to quickly write on here.

This week I am thankful for:

- Rehearsals for Romeo & Juliet and An Inspector Calls going brilliantly.
- All the performances for An Inspector Calls selling out. 
- My new friends at my new school who have made me feel very happy and welcome.
- My wig being decent for MCM Expo next month.
- Water.
- Finally have a school locker. 
- Having lots of opportunities to improve my writing in lots of different things.
- Evie's fab fancy dress birthday party (I dressed as Alice in Wonderland).

I've got some new post ideas in mind for the next few weeks and hopefully I'll have the time soon to get started on them! Obviously it's difficult to juggle all of my school work with rehearsals and writing here there and everywhere, but I'm slowly moving forward! 

Enjoy the rest of your day. 

Sunday, 22 September 2013

Introduction to TPublications

Apologies for my lack of posts AGAIN, but I have started a new school and it's difficult to fit in time to write in between school, homework and rehearsals! Hopefully soon I'll find a little more time to write regularly.

OK, this is going to be a short-but-sweet post about something exciting that's happened over the last few weeks.

So, not long ago I signed up to be a part of a street team for TPublications (T-Pub) who are an independent comic book company who produce original comic books with remarkable artwork. If you had a look at my "MCM Expo - Birmingham" post earlier in the year, you may remember me mentioning that I would post a review on the book "Twisted Dark." Well, this is the comic book company the book is from! I tend to post book reviews mainly on, but I'll be sure to post a few here as soon as possible.

WATCH THIS SPACE. I will be posting about their books and anything that's going on related to T-Pub in the near-future!
Oh, and follow T-Pub on:


Tuesday, 3 September 2013

August Favourites (Photo Heavy)

I've never done a Favourites post before, so here we go. 
It's finally September (wow)!

A small list of things and happenings that are highlights from August!

1) Meeting Chelsea and Amy at Annie

2) Receiving pink roses and visiting Thorpe Park with Joseph.

3) Seeing the Red Arrows, crab fishing in Brixham and visiting Buckfast Abbey with my family.

4) New comics from Joseph

5) Soap and Glory "Heel Genius" foot cream. 
My feet would have suffered big time without this! Dancing in character shoes too small during Annie was not good for my feet, understandably.