Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Fame, other productions + post show blues.

Good evening. It is extremely late and I've had a rather busy day, but alas, I am here anyway (ooooh I'm rhyming now, ten gold stars to Frances). 

Last week our school show "Fame" finished. It all went very well and I'm terribly sad that it's over (not feeling the post-show blues too much which I guess is a good thing). It was a shame that it was only my second but last show at Cardinal Griffin as I've worked with some brilliant people but I really do need to move on. THIS IS A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT MATTER so goodbye Cardinal Griffin. 
I felt that I needed to put a photo along with this short paragraph and the only photo I found suitable was this. Sorry, Ruth.

On the subject of productions, I got a place in the ensemble of Romeo & Juliet at the Crescent Theatre in Birmingham. I'm so happy that I'm now involved in another production outside of school and I'm really looking forward to the rehearsals beginning in mid August. 

Post-show blues
I thought that I would be getting these quite a lot, but I've found that keeping myself busy as much as possible has prevented me to succumb fully to the post-show blues. Sometimes I'll be sitting around and thinking, "Damn, I would've been at rehearsals this time four weeks ago" and I'll have to be OI NO FRANCES STOP THINKING LIKE THAT GO BAKE A CAKE OR SOMETHING. I can't bake cakes, that was just an example. I can't bake at all.
I've had quite a few opportunities arise lately to audition for different shows and short films so I'm always looking forward and trying to concentrate on these rather than drooping around and feeling sorry for myself that the past productions are over. 

I'm feeling very happy but very busy at the moment. I recently bought myself a diary to carry around with me to make notes of different things and keep myself on top of all my plans so I don't forget anything. I'm not necessarily pushing myself too hard with certain things, I just want to do the best I possibly can at the moment and get as much done as quick as possible. Many of my days are jam-packed with different days out/activities as there is just so much I want to do and so many people I need to see. I'm not feeling stressed, I just feel like I need to slow down. I NEED TO CHOOSE DA MELLOW LIFE. 

Going back to Romeo and Juliet, here is a video from the RSC performing the balcony scene. I rather enjoyed this; it's particularly beautiful. Make sure you watch it if you have the time.

Goodnight, God bless.

Thursday, 11 July 2013

Thankful Thursday #3


This week I am thankful for:

- The first performance of Fame going brilliantly
- Lana Del Rey (I'm listening to her album now)
- Rolos
- Having such beautiful weather!
- Joseph coming over to see Fame tomorrow and then staying over for the weekend
- Elle and Gee, what dons
- BURNTWOOD MANDEM. Finally being reunited with everyone tomorrow!
- Reading The Book Thief and finishing it within a few days
- The little birds nest in the garden

Things are going SO well at the moment! I'm feeling very happy, chilled and there's so many things coming up lately which I'm really looking forward to. I hope things stay like this for a long time!

Here's a short video I watched this week and thoroughly enjoyed. I hope you like it too.

Enjoy the rest of your day! Thankyou for reading. 

Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Store Spotlight/Review: Tiny Attic

SO the other day I saw a post on tumblr showing a few new items that silkwormgirl added to her etsy store. 

This is the photo that was posted! I absolutely fell in love with the night gown on the bottom right, and I logged straight onto etsy and bought it straight away.

The store is called Tiny Attic, and you can visit it by clicking here.

I was super impressed by the item being a good price and the store owner was friendly and replied to my messages straight away.

The item was dispatched yesterday and it arrived today.

I was super excited when it arrived and it was wrapped sweetly like this.

I really really really love my new night gown and I'm looking forward to wearing it to bed at some point. 


Service: 5/5

Product: 4/5
I felt that my item was a little off colour compared to the original posted photo and the sleeves seem a little too short to be worn the full length so I have to roll them up to my elbows. However, this is not a problem. I absolutely love it.

Postage: 5/5
Super super quick! 

I'll definitely be buying from this store again if I'm after anymore cute items like this!

Check out Tiny Attic and follow silkwormgirl on Tumblr!

Enjoy the rest of your day!

Thursday, 4 July 2013

Thankful Thursday #2

It always comes to Thursday evenings and I think "Damn, it's far too late to write a thankful thursday post now" so here I am bright and early!

This Thursday I am thankful for:

- Finishing Game of Thrones Volume 1
- Sammie's Red Carpet Themed Party last weekend
- Having opportunities to go to auditions 
- Fame rehearsals
- Taking my Grade 5 Musical Theatre exam yesterday (which I just so happened to really enjoy)
- Buying Animal Crossing: New Leaf!
- Prom

Here is one of my favourite photos from prom! Myself, Faye & Erin.

What are you thankful for today?

Celebration - Game of Thrones Themed Items

Ahola! So basically I've been reading Game of Thrones for a very long time now, and I finally finished it last night! I'm usually veeeeeeeeery quick at reading books but I was juggling that with learning lines, exams and sleep (and a few other books, but juggling books is naughty so pretend I didn't say that). 
I vowed that last night I would finish reading it, and I did! 
In celebration of finally finishing it, here is a list of some Game of Thrones items which have taken my eye in the last few months. I've chosen items which are reasonably priced (not including postage) as a lot that I've found have been very expensive!
All the links to the items are in the item names.

House Badges - Storenvy

Khaleesi Shirt - Redbubble
This is my favourite item! I'm planning on buying this at some point.

As you can tell, my favourite character is Daenerys. Oooh yah.

AND that brings us to the end of this post.
Thankyou for reading!